Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Words seem inadequate to describe the global health crisis that so many are experiencing across the world. The sickness and death of so many is mind-numbing and the health professionals seem to indicate that the worst is yet to come in many countries.

I write to offer words of encouragement and support for our entire Viatorian Community and all those we serve. I pray that you are safe and healthy and taking the appropriate measures to preserve your health and well-being. In a special way, let us remember those countries and people so seriously affected by this virus. Our prayers of support and faith can sustain those who experience sickness these days. Let us also remember in prayer all those who are valiantly battling this disease — health care works, doctors, nurses, hospital personnel and all those who work to bring healing and hope to the suffering.

The Scriptures remind us that the Lord will never abandon His people. The psalmist reminds us of that truth: “Whoever clings to me I will deliver; whoever knows my name I shall set on high. All who call upon me I will answer, I will be with them in distress; I will deliver them….”  (Psalm 91: 14-15). I am confident that message of faith and hope will sustain each of us in these difficult days. While we may experience anxiety, fear and concern about the future, I invite us to renew our prayer, seeking the Lord’s strength.

Please know that I remember you in prayer each day. Let us pray for each other. Stay safe and healthy!

Sincerely in the Healing Christ,



Robert M. Egan, CSV

Superior General