Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The General Chapter of 2018 invited the entire Congregation to a renewed and deepened reflection on our consecrated life as religious. Questions 1-4 of the 2018 General Chapter Acts presented a strong call to continued reflection, both personal and communal, on the value of our consecrated life. The Chapter also called us to deepen our experience of Viatorian religious  life, always being attentive to the signs of the times and the workings of the Spirit.

To that end, and to encourage all our reflection, the General Council has asked several Viatorian religious to share their reflections on what the meaning and value of Viatorian religious life has been for them. We will begin to share those reflections on the General Direction Website and I hope that you will take some time to read and integrate these personal reflections. More importantly, I hope this will encourage all of us to continue this personal and communal reflection.

I want to thank those vowed religious who have shared their thoughts and reflections.  Their rich experiences invite us all to the same reflection and discernment. My best wishes to you with a prayer that you remain healthy and safe in these difficult times.

Sincerely in Viator and Querbes,


Robert M. Egan, CSV
Superior General