Dear Brothers and Sisters,
After much discussion and discernment with all affected individuals and entities, the Provincial Chapter and Provincial Council of Canada have determined that, effective April 1, 2024, the presence of Viatorian religious will end in the Foundation of Japan. Effective of that date, Japan will no longer be considered a Foundation of the Congregation.
At its meeting of June 23, 2023, the Superior General, with the consent of the General Council, received and recognized the decision of the Province of Canada, and recognizes that Japan no longer forms part of the Congregation’s Foundations and with this announcement officially informs the international Congregation.
While this was a difficult decision, I want to recognize the international contributions of many religious from various Provinces in the establishment and life of this Foundation for so many years. Thank you to them for their dedication and commitment to the Foundation in Japan. The Viatorian charism has been implanted in Japan and our hope is that it will continue to be nurtured by the Associates there in the years ahead.
May God continue to bless and sustain our Congregation and Viatorian Community.
Sincerely in Viator,
Robert M. Egan, CSV
Superior General