In a demonstration of unity and global collaboration, religious leaders and collaborators from various parts of the world gathered in a virtual meeting via Zoom this Saturday. The session, characterized by its international nature, connected participants from Chicago to Japan, demonstrating the power of technology in overcoming geographic barriers.

Br. Darius Armani helped with translation

The meeting began promptly, with impeccable synchronization of different time zones – from 5 a.m. in Japan to 9 p.m. in Spain. The gathering started with a prayer, entrusting the activities to God and the Virgin Mary, symbolizing the shared faith and hope of the attendees.

Among the participants were Brothers Peter Lamick, John Eustice, Jhobany Orduz, David Cuenca, William Serge Bationo, Darius Amani, Xavier, Jose Javier, Juan Carlos, Victor Zongo, Benjamin, and Fr. Claudio Rios, all representatives of the five major provinces, with attendees from Ivory Coast, Spain, Colombia, Burkina Faso, Chile, and others. The diversity of the attendees reflected the breadth and richness of the Viatorian communities around the world.

After a warm greeting to all attendees, the connection was facilitated thanks to the efforts of Brother Octavio, a novice from Chile, and the French, English, and Spanish translators, Brothers Darius and Jhobany, ensuring smooth and effective communication. The event stood out for its inclusive character, inviting not only religious vocations directors but also all those interested in promoting Viatorian vocations.

Br. Jhobany Orduz also helped with translation.

The topics discussed were varied, from specific vocational information to the presentation of publications like brochures and articles that describe the mission of each place. The importance of sharing materials and ideas that encourage young people on their vocational journey was highlighted.

An important aspect was managing the different time zones, reminding participants of the need for patience and understanding for responses, given global time differences.

Each participant had the opportunity to introduce themselves and share their work, leading to an enriching and constructive dialogue. Additionally, the purpose of the vocational survey was discussed in detail, and how to retrieve and work with the collected data was explained.

Fr. Claudio Rios facilitated the meeting.

This meeting served not only as a forum for exchanging ideas and experiences but also strengthened the bonds between Viatorian communities, showing that, despite physical distance, collaboration and shared commitment can overcome any barrier.

We thank each of the attendees for their subsequent messages of support for the activity. This encourages us to continue providing these spaces for international encounters.